Monday, October 24, 2016

EU-Syrian Migration

The European Union has 28 member countries and of those 26 are members of Schengen. The Schengen area consists of 26 countries that have abolished border control at their mutual borders. This means people may travel freely within this area from country to country essentially. While the EU has long been struggling to form policy it is an extremely difficult task to accomplish when there are 28 member states each with his or her own ideas and ways of governing. Additionally, it is difficult to decide a way to divide the share of the refugee burden amongst the 28 states considering the economic conditions and size of each country vary. Although the EU has already taken in refugees, I think they should do more to help those fleeing war and inhumane conditions. Countries such as Hungary, Macedonia and Slovenia have already built fences along their borders to keep thousands of migrants from entering, which in turn leads to more migrants trying to smuggle themselves into various countries.
I think it is especially important for countries to open up their doors to migrants because in cases like this they are not willingly trying to move, but rather seeking a better situation than the one they have at home. Children don’t have access to basic needs and therefore families are forced to seek out a better and safer home for their children. While many see these people as threats it is unfortunate that the acts of a few dangerous refugees blind people from seeing that most of these people need help and are innocent. It is important for the government to find a way to reassure its people and put them at ease as many of them see the entrance of migrants as a security issue. These security issues can be split up into several areas including fear of worsening economic insecurity and actual threat to their national security. Many people in the host countries fear that they will lose their jobs or be up against incoming migrants. While many others also think these people are seeking claim as refugees to come in and instill terror. Whatever peoples reasoning may be I think more migrants should be let in so long as there is no threat to the country letting them in.

Post by Hedvig Blanco 


  1. I like that you said we cannot turn away thousands of innocent migrants due to a couple of bad ones. This truly puts it into perspective. And when you think about it, it sounds silly to reject so many people because a few bad ones ruin it. This is the case for many instances in life, that we can't have nice things because one person out of many must ruin it.

    And a terrorist attack is not even an inevitability, just a possibility. If properly vetted, most, possibly all of migrants should get access to refuge.

    1. Hi,

      I also liked what you said about not turning away thousands of people. But, I do have a question about this. Would you suggest them moving into other places? While they can move to the EU, do you think it is viable for them to move to another place? While it may require more work and money, should the EU help move them whether it is into one of their countries or into another (pending the other countries approval)? It is something I thought about while discussing this issue in class, and also when I read your post.


    2. Hi,

      I also liked what you said about not turning away thousands of people. But, I do have a question about this. Would you suggest them moving into other places? While they can move to the EU, do you think it is viable for them to move to another place? While it may require more work and money, should the EU help move them whether it is into one of their countries or into another (pending the other countries approval)? It is something I thought about while discussing this issue in class, and also when I read your post.


  2. I agree with what you said about how more countries should allow in refugees. However, I think the security of those countries should be considered as well. If the security of the citizens of the host country is jeopardized then I think the country should not allow in refugees. I don't think this simply because of the few refugees who attempt terrorist acts, but because of the human security of the citizens of the country.


  3. I agree that more countries should allow refugees. It is important to at least give them a home, because of the many violences they had to undergo. The countries which allow refugees to enter, should also implement regulations. You could definitely argue that this can also be a threat to human security.

    Chirusha de Mel
